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Our services

We support, aid and assist displaced persons by attending to material needs, offering friendship and hospitality, and guiding them to long-lasting self-sufficiency.


We complement the work done by official resettlement agencies by establishing close, positive relationships with resettled families and individuals. 


Transportation: we initially help with rides to appointments, classes, medical visits, etc. Long-term, we help orient to identifying and using public transportation and help prepare to earn a driver's license. 


Mail management:  we help sort mail, read bills, explain letters from government, schools, and social service agencies.

Tutoring:  we are currently offering ESL tutoring for both adults and children, literate and illiterate, in three languages.  We also provide financial literacy training and basic math skills support.  Read a success story.

Budgeting:  we help construct a livable budget plan based on benefits / employment and monthly expenses. This typically includes instruction in bill-paying, using an ATM, etc.


Networking:  with an ever-growing network of volunteers and community groups, we connect refugees with additional services, such as leads on housing, translation solutions, ESL, etc.

Building Community: we create opportunities for refugees to meet and celebrate with other members of their community through food, dance, song, and worship. 

Donations:  in times of urgent need, we donate food, clothing, gift cards, shoes and boots, furniture, household items, coats, baby supplies and gear, formula, hygiene items and more.

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PO Box 736
Scotch Plains, NJ  07076

© Refugee Assistance Partners of NJ, 2020




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