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An Update on Refugee Services 

The Trump Administration has suspended the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program, pending reports from the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of State. As of January 20, no new arrivals are coming into the U.S., meaning thousands of already approved refugees are in a cruel state of limbo all around the world.


However, several hundred refugees already here in New Jersey still require services to integrate well in the community. Just since Oct 2024, 216 refugees have come to New Jersey and require help that was promised to them when they were invited to come to this country. (

Despite that commitment, federal funding to national resettlement agencies has been drastically cut. Many refugees rely on RAP to assist them. Our help is needed now more than ever!

In response to the current climate, RAP is helping refugees apply for green cards to ensure people are as safe as possible in potential ICE confrontations. 

Refugees are required to apply for green cards after one year, but some families are stalled because of insurmountable fees. A refugee family of four typically must pay over $1500 in required medical exam fees, in addition to legal fees. Over 100 refugees in our area are eligible to apply for their green cards, and many cannot afford it.  

You can be a part of the solution for refugees here in our own communities.  They are our neighbors, our teachers, our caregivers. They are the friendly smile across the counter in our grocery stores, retailers, and restaurants.  They are our communities’ future and strength.

GIVE – Monetary donations are the single most effective way to ensure RAP can respond nimbly to rapidly changing needs.  Donate Now

VOLUNTEER – RAP needs people (in person and remote) to help refugees navigate the green card system, to tutor, and for other core services.  Join Our Team

ADVOCATE – Well-researched facts support that refugees are NOT a burden and, in fact, greatly benefit our community. (See the following facts). Use these talking points in conversations with friends, family, and colleagues and advocate on social media.  Push back on misinformation.

FACT: Refugees coming into the United States are NOT security risks

Refugees come to the US legally after having proven they have a well-founded fear of persecution.  They are rigorously vetted by the United Nations High Commission on Refugees (UNHCR), then the United States government conducts interagency checks at the National Vetting Center.
Click here for more detail and references

FACT: Refugees are here legally and can become citizens

Refugees are required to apply for lawful permanent residence status (“green cards”) after being in the U.S. for one year. They are eligible to apply for citizenship five years after arrival and must have a green card before applying for citizenship.

Click here for more detail and references

FACT: Refugees pay their own way

To travel to the United States, refugees take out a travel loan with the International Office of Migration (IOM) for the cost of their travel, which they must begin to pay back after being in the United States for six months.
Click here for more detail and references

FACT: Refugees contribute positively to the economy

A 2024 study from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services calculated that refugees contributed a net benefit to the US economy of $124 billion between 2005-2019.

Click here for more detail and references

FACT: Refugees are less likely to commit crimes than US-born citizens

National studies overwhelmingly find that immigrants of all legal statuses commit crimes at lower rates than those who were born in the United States.

Click here for more detail and references



PO Box 736
Scotch Plains, NJ  07076

© Refugee Assistance Partners of NJ, 2020




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